Born Out of Interest in Things

The idea of Supergood started brewing during the pandemic when personal interaction turned into video calls and video conferences.

Seeing someone behind the screen in their own home, in their own space, gives us insights into their lives simply by looking at the things they keep.

From the artworks and stuff hanging on the wall, knick-knacks they keep on their shelves to the clutter on their desk. It's like uncovering their story, interests, and personalities one item at a time!

Three Reasons Why We Keep Things

  • For Recognition

    We keep things to celebrate and recognize achievements and milestones.

  • For Inspiration

    Same as Recognition, we keep things that inspire us to do good, be good, and keep us motivated.

  • For Aspiration

    We keep things representing a goal, be it in material form or a marker for success.

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What Became Our Philosophy

Here at Supergood, we're tapping into this narrative of expressing ourselves through the things we keep. We want to make fun items we can all relate to for every space -- giving you opportunities to express and share your interests, spark conversations, and tell stories.

To simply put, we believe in making everyday items fun and thoughtful and bring good feelings.